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Marc Nielson

Marc Nielson Marc Nielson

This is by far going to be the biggest, and frankly, greatest bio you’ve ever read. Think about that, tens of millions, if not trillions of bio’s are written every year, we call it bio-nomics, I call it bio-nomics, I just thought of that, do you like that? BIO-NOMICS! It’s the economics of biologicals. Big stuff, real big stuff. Steve knows, aahhh, Steve knows. We had a long conversation about Bio-nomics…just the other day. Steve’s here with his wife, stand up Steve. Steve and his delicious wife everybody. Isn’t she just beautiful? Look at how beautiful Steve’s wife is, everybody. She’s too good for you, Steve. I tell you what if you weren’t around Steve…I’m joking. We like to have fun here. Bio-nomics are responsible for more than half of all the information known about actors, can you believe that? Half, folks! They told me that and I told them, “That’s fifty percent” and they said, “No one’s ever told us that before, sir” They called me “sir” can you believe that? They said, “Sir, no one’s ever said anything like that to us, sir” and then, with tears in their eyes, and these were big guys, strong guys, never shed a tear in their life and there they were with tears coming down on their face and they said, “Thank you for saving us, sir” and I said, “You’re welcome” and then they saluted me…like this.