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Professional Theatre Program for Emerging Artists

This program nurtures Utah’s theatre students by giving them the opportunity to work in a professional production. To date SLAC has created over 150 production-based paid positions for university enrolled students who have received crucial experience as actors, assistant stage managers, assistant directors, and assistant designers, all thanks to this program's support. Each season, we hope to expand this program to mentor more students from local universities, providing them an educational experience outside the classroom they can only get by working alongside established theatre artists. Support for this program develops Utah’s future artists, bringing these students one step closer to actualizing their dreams of a professional career in theatre.

Anna Blaes from the University of Utah said this of the program: “The Professional Theatre Program has helped me greatly in learning about the real-world experiences and application of Theatre Design. It has given me insight into my professional growth, personal style, and provided me with both difficult challenges and rewarding victories!

Our thanks to the following foundations and corporations for their generous support of this program:

  • The John and Marcia Price Family Foundation
  • Terence Kearns Stephens Charitable Trust
  • B.W. Bastian Foundation

If you are interested in sponsoring this program, please contact Erika Ahlin, Director of Development: 801-363-7522 or Erika@SaltLakeActingCompany.org