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3 Easy Ways to Give to SLAC...That You Might Not Have Known About!

May 14, 2020

We know times are tough right now and that for many, funds need to go as far as they possibly can. That's why we want to make you aware of a few easy ways to support Salt Lake Acting Company--through everyday purchases you might already be making. We've been fortunate enough to participate in these programs for several years, however, many of our patrons are unaware of this simple way to donate to their favorite theatre company.


Smiths LogoEvery time you shop at Smith’s with your Rewards Card, Smith's will donate a percentage of your total order to Salt Lake Acting Company! Sign up at SmithsFoodandDrug.com/inspire and choose SLAC as your nonprofit.


Amazon Smile Logo

Through Amazon Smile you’ll find the exact same items and prices as Amazon with an added bonus: Amazon Smile will donate a percentage of your purchase to SLAC. All you have to do is shop at smile.amazon.com and select SLAC as your charitable organization.


Matching Donations from Your Employer

Ask your employer if they match your charitable contributions. If so, show them the receipts from your SLAC donation and your gift can go even further! Let them know your favorite theatre company will forever be grateful.


Thank you for considering and for any support you might be able to give!


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