Salt Lake Acting Company - New Play Sounding Series
THE TURNAWAY PLAY Headshots & Bios
A HERO'S JOURNEY Headshots & Bios
SUNNY IN THE DARK Headshots & Bios
THE VALUE by Nicholas Dunn NPSS Headshots & Bios
WHITELISTED Headshots & Bios
Let Down You Hair Headshots & Bios
THE ROBERTASSEY by Kathleen Cahill
GRAB THEM BY THE P**** by Jeanette Munzert
BURST by Rachel Bublitz
New Play Sounding Series
Free Reading
Monday, September 24 @ 7pm
Director: Shannon Musgrave
Actors: Lily Hye Soo Dixon, Ava Kostia, Adriana Lemke
On the brink of her next round of funding, Sarah Boyd, Founder and CEO of Tactix, must hold her company together through a pesky journalist's questions and glaring doubts thrown her way surrounding the promises her company has made. It's a heavy load, and Sarah knows that she is the only one great enough to bear it.
SLAC thanks the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation for their generous support of this vital program.
Doors open at 6:30pm. Open seating; first come, first served.
PART OF THE STORY by David Kranes
THE SHUCK by Shawn Fisher
New Play Sounding Series
Free Reading
Monday, March 5 @ 7pm
Director: Shawn Fisher
Actors: Jeanette Puhich Foulger, Morgan Lund, Amy Ware
Reader: Olivia Custodio
Stage Manager: Ashley Winch
When Constance’s troubled son is lost at sea, and her long-lost daughter suddenly decides to visit, she is forced to face the truth about her family and the secrets that broke it apart so many years ago.
SLAC thanks the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation for their generous support of this vital program.
Doors open at 6:30pm. Open seating; first come, first served.
For a sneak peak of the reading, take a look at this article by Matt Morris of Utah Arts Magazine.
THE SQUIRRELS by Robert Askins
SILENT DANCER by Kathleen Cahill
LAURA AND THE SEA by Kate Tarker
MERCURY by Steve Yockey
WINTER by Julie Jensen
New Play Sounding Series Free Reading
Monday, February 1 @ 7pm
Director: Tracy Callahan
Featuring: Daniel Beecher, Anne Louise Brings, Anne Cullimore Decker, Cragun Foulger, Bob Nelson
Stage Manager/Reader: Sarah Danielle Young
WINTER is the story of an older couple who has an end-of-life pact, until one of them backs out. This new play from Julie Jensen, inspired by the story "Robeck" by Margaret Pabst Battin, is a beautiful tale of family and the right to die.
SLAC thanks the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation for their generous support of this vital program.
STAG'S LEAP by Sharon Olds
New Play Sounding Series Free Reading
Monday, November 9 @ 7pm
Director: Nancy Borgenicht
Featuring: Meg Gibson, Tamara Howell, Valerie Kittel, Susan Levin, and Shannon Musgrave
Dramaturg: Kathleen Cahill
Stage Manager: Justin Ivie
In this intimate sequence of poems, which tell the story of Sharon Olds' divorce, the author opens her heart, sharing the feeling of invisibility that comes when we are no longer standing in love's sight; the surprising physical passion that still exists between a couple during parting; and the loss of everything from her husband's smile to the set of his hip. Adapted for a theatrical reading by Nancy Borgenicht, STAG'S LEAP is both an elegantly personal story of divorce and a universal journey through love, sex, sorrow, memory, and new freedom.
SLAC thanks the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation for their generous support of this vital program.
*First published in Stag's Leap (Alfred A Knopf) copyright Sharon Olds 2012
New Play Sounding Series Free Reading
Monday, September 21, 2015 @ 7pm
Director: Shannon Musgrave
Cast: Olivia Custodio, Danny Egan, Brighton Hertford, Patrick Kintz, William Richardson
Stage Manager/Reader: Sarah Danielle Young
Sloane isn't sure why exactly her husband Timothy brought home a probably dangerous drifter. It's something about "doing a good deed." Of course, it's hard to think straight when her kleptomaniac neighbor keeps dropping by to chat and steal. And then things get violent. BLEEDING HEARTS is a dark farce about the disappearing middle class and the way people can slowly forget how to put themselves in each others' shoes.
On Monday February 2nd, the words of Tony Kushner will once again reverberate off the walls here at the Salt Lake Acting Company. SLAC is proud to present TINY KUSHER, a series of five short one-act plays by Kushner that is presented in conjunction with the Tanner Humanities Center's lecture with Mr. Kushner on February 5 at Kingsbury Hall, with support from Lee and Audrey Hollaar. Kushner's work is no stranger to the SLAC stage; SLAC was one of the first regional theaters to produce ANGELS IN AMERICA in 1995. It was brought back to the SLAC stage in 2010 for the company's 40th anniversary. Keven Myhre, Executive Producer at SLAC and director of the 2010 re-envisioning of the play, said that ANGELS was the one play that "encapsulated SLAC's mission to produce vibrant new work in contemporary theater... [it] defined that moment in our history."
TINY KUSHNER, unlike ANGELS, won't keep you in your seat for seven hours. Out of the five short plays, all but one feature characters who really existed, including Laura Bush. In typical productions of TINY KUSHNER, only four actors play the multitude of these eccentric personalities, but SLAC will be using a total of twelve different actors for each play. Director Robin Wilks-Dunn says, "When I heard Tony Kushner was coming to Kingsbury Hall, I thought it would be a nice community event to do a reading of one of his scripts that hasn't been done in Salt Lake before. And I thought the perfect partner would be Salt Lake Acting Company."
If you have never had the chance to hear the words of award-winning Tony Kushner in person, TINY KUSHNER is the perfect opportunity for you. You'll get five different samples all for the price of nothing! Bon appetit, theater goers! It is not to be missed.
-Olivia Custodio